The possible Avionics package for the RV-12 comes in two flavours; Dynon or Garmin.I chose the Dynon set-up for three reasons. Firstly, I already had experieience with installing the Dynon Skyview system, as I had installed this in my Europa. Secondly, I had experience of flying behind the Dynon Glass Cockpit, so the learning time would be reduced. Thirdly, it was the cheaper of the two !
Fortunately the Dynon kit from Vans came with all the cables pre made and terminated, so it was relatively easy to just follow the plans, fir and plug it all together. In the UK, the LAA insiste that there is in place a fall back Air Speed Indicator, and Altimeter, in case of failue of primary instruments failure. If the backup Instruments are electrically operated, it is also necessary to install a seperate battery backup unit to drive them, in case of primary battery failure. As I had done in my Europa, I fitted a combined ASI & Altimeter in the form of a MGL Instrument. I designed a simple connection circuit that caused the power feed to automatically switch to the bbu in case of primary power failure
The ADAHRS Unit that drives the Skyview screen is fitted to the brackets attached to the roof of the Tail Cone, which was much easier to install than the one in my Europa, where I had to find a suitable position and make a bracket to keep it withhin the 1% of horizonal plane, called for by the manual.