My original plan was to carry out the inaugral test flight of Harvey from my home airfield grass strip. However, on reflection, we decided the better option would be to carry out the final assembly and test flight from Gamston Airport, as there were much better facilities available, and also as this was mid-winter, it would be warmer in their hangars. Fortunately, the RV-12 fuselage just fitted onto the Traileer I had bought for my Europa. Apart from the bare trailer, it came with a neatly constructed framework of wood, to transport the wings and stabilator. The frameowrk could be dismantled into its component parts for storage.There was still a fair amount of assembly required at the destination airfield, which included fitting the stabilator (permenantly), and the removable wings. I decided to leave the spats off the wheels, as it would be easier to adjust the brakes if required. I had asked Mike Newall, an experienced RV-12 builder and pilot, to be the test pilot. He had provided a wealth of information during the build, and readily agreed to my request. Approximately 8 hours of test flying are required, to include one flight of at least two hours, and fifteen take-off and landings. The first hours flight must be undertaken solo by the test pilot, but I was allowed to accompany him for the remainder of the test flights, to act as observer and record keeper of the various measurements that must taken in flight.When the final day came, the first flight took place without a hitch, and Mike recorded it on his incockpit camera.